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In the independent Anycast DNS test - http://dnsperf.com - we have already climbed 19th and behind us are some big names like Google or Verisign. In practice, this means that domains using anycastdns.cz will be translated to an IP address from any corner of the world for an average of 45ms. For example, if you have a website visitor from Australia and DNS in the Czech Republic, it will take them to translate the domain to an IP address (ie before the browser starts to connect) at about 350-400ms, which is almost half a second! When using anycastdns.cz, this time would be only 30ms (according to the DNSPerf average for the Oceania site). In DNS management, you can activate AnycastDNS for CZK 10 / month without VAT and, in addition to fast worldwide DNS, you will also be able to access detailed statistics for your domain queries.

Company Gransy manages      domains . Domains' statistic >>

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