• LOGIN Registration
we offer more than 850+ domains

We provide the widest offer of registering domain names on the market.

Presented prices are for registration of new domain for 1 year and are without VAT.

We offer to domains for free

  • Administration of DNS
  • Redirection of URL
  • Redirection of eletronic mail
  • Domain parking
  • Anonymous registration of domain (Whois protection)*

* if domain offers (it's not possible for CZ, EU etc.)

Under our administration

400 000+ DOMAINS

Registration of domain is the first step for online presentation. Our customers can use premium domains' services and very faborable prices of  domains.

For domains we offer other services like web hosting or SSL certificates.

ICANN accreditation

We are the part of first class ICANN accreditated registrars since 2010. Our company is verified and reliable.
Our accreditation...

Options of payment

SSL certificates

  • Digicert
  • Thawte
  • Geotrust
  • RapidSSL


SSL certificate list

Rapid SSL certificate

  • The cheapest SSL certificates from the CA RapidSSL.

13,42 EUR INFO

The news(Archive of the news)

ICANN accreditation

The only one an ICANN accredited registrar in Czech republic and Slovakia.

Company Gransy manages      domains . Domains' statistic >>

© 2014 - 2024 Gransy s.r.o. |  www.subreg.cz | Company Gransy is accreditated registrar of organisation ICANN . All rights reserved.           subacc